A comprehensive action plan
to tackle climate change challenges

Odemira is an economically fragile municipality currently experiencing demographic changes linked to depopulation and progressive ageing. Aside from social problems related to population dynamics, Odemira’s economy is also threatened by general economic investments and a great dependence on intensive agriculture.

Climate change is further exacerbating the occurrence of extreme weather events such as floods, hurricane-force winds, and longer and more frequent droughts. These phenomena are perceived by citizens as clear indicators of climate change. Additionally, the area is prone to fires, and there are additional dangers associated with water scarcity and conflicts between its various uses.

The pilot aims to build a general diagnosis of the municipality facing climate change challenges. Its objective is to identify existing problems and opportunities while developing an action plan aimed at aligning the municipality with the objectives of the agenda 2030. This will include a self-diagnosis stage where the community and local actors will identify the most urgent problems , an evaluation stage focusing on the elaboration of concrete proposals, and decision-making and action-making stages concentrating on creating a detailed action plan.

In doing so, this project will help deepen inclusion and reinforce participation among a variety of stakeholders as well as people living in the community, thereby promoting discussion and collective representations.

Pilot Details

  • Country: Portugal
  • Administrative level: Local
  • Local Partner: Oficina
  • Topic: Climate, Transport, Agriculture, Environment
  • Main Objectives: Build a local 2030 agenda to promote sustainability for the territory
  • Pilot website: cm-odemira.pt

Cover copyright: Municipality of Odemira

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