Testing participatory practices across Europe
PHOENIX aims at testing effective, context-related participatory methodologies in seven European countries, with a total of 11 pilots at national, regional and local levels.

But how will PHOENIX identify the participatory practices that will be applied in each specific Pilot? To answer this question, two concepts need to be introduced:
- the PHOENIX Tangram;
- the Territorial Commission for Co-Design (TCCD).
The PHOENIX Tangram refers to a system of methodologies and tools that, when combined and aggregated based on specific context-related aspects, results in new, customized participatory and deliberative practices that PHOENIX calls ‘Enriched Democratic Innovations’(EDIs).
Once ready, each Tangram will be provided to the Territorial Commission for Co-Design (a body composed of citizens, stakeholders and local representatives) which will discuss the suggestion and eventually decide on the particular methodology that will be applied in the pilot.
Thanks to the Tangram and the TCCDs, PHOENIX aims to show that participatory processes must consider context-related aspects and that people should be involved not only in the discussion of specific issues but also in the deliberation of the participatory methodology that might be applied, in a joint effort for co-creation and co-implementation of the processes.
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